What is your favorite way to get exercise?

  1. When the weather is decent (above freezing) we do tons of walks or jogs, or even hikes in the nearby forests.

    I’m not as great about sticking to a fitness routine during the harshest winter months, but I’ll often walk briskly on the treadmill while reading a book.

  2. I love most sports but if I had to choose one, open water swimming by far.
    Sadly I live in a cold region, so I can’t do it as often as I’d like but when I can, I enjoy every minute of it.

  3. Bought a condo in a building with a gym, I feel so spoiled

    I used to love going for runs too, but I am soooo over that. It’s now locked gym only for me

  4. Walking from the living room to the kitchen to get a snack then back again sometimes I’ll wear a resistance band and side step it

  5. I like doing cardio workouts at home and when the weather is nice, I like to go on walks. Jump rope is always my favorite

  6. I like to mix it up! My main fun/recreational exercises are:
    – Walking
    – Hiking
    – Gym/heavy weights
    – Rock climbing/bouldering
    – Yoga
    – Fun Runs (did a 5k mud run this year with some friends)
    – headphones dance party by myself in my room! Put on a fun song and just go ham

    Also some of the more functional day to day things:
    – mowing the lawn
    – cleaning my car by hand in and out
    – cleaning the house or my room
    – Doing laundry, hanging them out to dry
    – Doing groceries, walking around the shop
    – going shopping/browsing, you can get lots of steps in without even noticing

    If I’m having a low energy day I might try to incorporate some things into my day like:
    – squats or calf raises or kitchen bench push ups while the kettle boils or while waiting for the microwave
    – we have stairs indoors so might do a few trips up and down

  7. In the morning, wifey and I take Missy, our Sheltie, for a decent walk, about 2 1/2 miles. In the evening we ride our bikes, five to seven miles. We both go swimming when the water/weather is warm enough and the grandkids let us use the pool!? Just as importantly, wifey makes sure we eat healthy.

  8. Personally I like a good walk because it’s incredibly customizable! I can choose where I go, how fast I walk, how long I want to walk for. I can put headphones in and change the whole experience too. I really enjoy not being in a gym environment because I don’t feel like i’m being watched. 🙂

  9. I bought a mini trampoline that I have in my room and it’s so awesome to just jump on it at random lol. I never have the motivation to do a full 1hr workout, but jumping on my trampoline for 10 mins is totally doable xD

  10. Lifting/pushing/pulling heavy shit and pretending I’m a draft horse. Hiking with a 30lb+ pack.

  11. Swimming and dancing. Some weight training when I feel like it. I hate walking, but I have dogs to fix that xd

  12. No way. I hate to exercise. That said, I am aging and have learned that I must use it or lose it. I workout in my home gym (which my exercise nut of a husband built over our years together). I ride a stationary bike, walk on a treadmill, and lift weights and stretch. Total workout time is 90 insufferable minutes. Evidence that hanging out with folks who have better habits than you can actually make a positive difference.

  13. Spin classes/cardio. There’s something about pushing myself until I feel like my legs are gonna give out and my heart is gonna explode, all while listening to uplifting optimistic music that just makes me feel like I’m high on life

  14. The gym, dancing, chasing chickens, smex, swimming, scuba diving, smex, boxing, walking, smex.

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