I work customer service and I’m so tired of people making demeaning comments. I look much younger for my age and it’s starting to become a thing that I can’t help certain customers because they just won’t listen to me even though I’m one the oldest people here.

How do you guys let go, or just let it not add up? I can’t exactly stand up for myself since it’s a small business and nowhere else to go, so removing myself from the situation is out of the question.

  1. The way I see it, if someone goes out of their way to make demeaning comments to a literal stranger, that person’s opinions/comments don’t matter at all. The only people who feel the need to put down or insult others, especially those they don’t know, are people who are miserable with their own lives and selves, and feel the need to put others down in order to feel better about themselves. More than anything, they just hate people who are different to what they have known their whole lives. I don’t think the opinions of people like this are even worth spending another second thinking about. Do you? Whatever comments they make says much more about them than it does about you. People’s words are a reflection of their character and worldview.


    Also, a comment in another thread I saw applies to this very well. Here:

    >Unless these people have a direct impact on your life they don’t matter. Their existence means nothing and their words have zero weight. If they were all hit by a bus and ceased to exist your life would continue on without an issue.
    >So people who have no hold on you and your future, have no control over you. Think of all situations in that regard. Do these people matter, do they have any impact in my life at all. If the answer is no then no word coming from their mouth means anything, They’re like a mote of dust drifting in the desert, their lives are infinitely meaningless compared to yours.
    >- u/AverageCowboyCentaur


    You got this OP

  2. Get in writing from your management what you CAN do and what you absolutely CAN NOT do. If customers want anything that’s not on either list refer them to management.

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