To preface, I don’t have a car right now and I’m not able to go to any clubs, so that option is out the window for me at the moment. Discord has a thing where you can put in your college email and it shows a list of servers from people in that college and a list of users. I’m an artist, and I definitely wanna make friends with some other artists! There’s no many art servers there though and the few ones are not active whatsoever. But I found some a user in the list that has some really nice art and we share some similar interests. it weird to just DM them saying hey if they don’t know me?

I really, just wanna try and make friends. Especially with someone that lives near me and goes to college. But I don’t wanna seem weird. I like to view making friends as literal RNG, you just need to talk to a bunch of people and see if you find a needle in a haystack and meet someone cool. I wanted some opinions on this tho. Would you be weirded out if someone you don’t know randomly messaged? I’m a chill person, and I can tell if someone doesn’t really wanna interact. I’m not pushy but it would be awesome to just meet people.

  1. Idk much about discord but it probably wouldn’t be weird for you to just ask about their art.

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