I work at a daycare and I was in the big kid room. I was doing the girls hair and This 12 year came up and he said he wanted his hair done to as a joke. I gave him one of those tiny ponytails guys get as a joke and he went home like that. He’s mom came in the next day pissed about and complained. I feel dumb for doing that. should I have known better?

  1. I see the mom’s point and I respect it. However, no point in feeling guilty about it now. It was a joke and you didn’t think it was a big deal. I don’t think it was either, it’s not like you put make up on him or did his nails.

    Update: just because I understand the mom’s point doesn’t mean I agree with it. Being mature enough to understand other people’s point of view is part of growing up. I clearly said I don’t agree with the mom because I don’t think a ponytail is a big deal so she shouldn’t had made the OP feel bad about it. On the other hand that’s HER son and she’s entitled to accept or not what it’s done to him. Maybe for some of you a pony tail is not a big deal (it isn’t for me either) but obviously for her it is. If I worked there and that happened to me I would just move on. That’s not my son so I gotta respect the mom’s wishes too.

  2. Karen gunna Karen. He’s a big kid now and it’s his hair. Honestly as a guy with long hair it’s nice to feel the breeze on my neck and hair out of my face.

  3. I get shit for letting my 3yo put ponys is my beard. My beard is long! Hangs between my nipples…well fuck do people judge me for letting my 3yo put a pony in my beard. Im a dad using ny beard to teach my kid how to comb hair and put a pony in.

    Imo, Ignore the shit, love the kids and sleep tight!

  4. It doesn’t make sense for her to have a reaction to this, she is clearly just a disagreeable person. You sound fun though. So keep doing you.

  5. The mother is not in the wrong and neither are you. Its her kid so, just don’t do it again. I think its kind of weird for a daycare employee to really question one of the kids parents like- you have 0 say other than to take care of the kid and do what the parents want you to do.

  6. As someone who is currently working at a daycare center and have been for years now, I’ve learned that you will encounter many different types of families who will show their true colors when situations like these occur. There will be those who don’t care at all and encourage their kids own freedom of expression and then there are those who are like the mom you’re talking about. I had a similar experience when a child was playing dress up with a skirt. Dad was furious. But it’s never our fault and we shouldn’t feel bad!!! Our job in this field is to always support the child. I will say though because stuff like this has happened before to me too, I’ve learned to take the pony tails off before the parent arrives (if you know their pick up time) also talk to your center director, if they’re good they will back you up!! It’s also helpful to get a read and/or get to know the families of the kids you care for so you can better understand their views and temperaments and avoid situations like this! 🙂

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