Something new happened last night. last night my wife(24) and i(25)were having sex. I layed her on the back grabbed her legs spread them, pulled them high with her ankles by my lips and fucked her. After about 30 min we came at the same time, hearing her moan as filled her full of my cum. While we are cumming all of a sudden her eyes started tearing up and after she just kind of cried for a minute or two after. It made her laugh then me. It was like an involuntary reaction to the huge rush of endorphins or something.

Has anyone else experienced this? Is this common? Because it was pretty fucking awesome.

  1. Did she cry while cumming? Sometimes I can cry when I’m extremely horny and overwhelmed by how sensitive I am

  2. I cry when the sex becomes overwhelming. I’ve always been a sensitive person and tear up easily, so crying from this much emotion during sex makes sense to me. Can’t describe the emotions I feel, I’m not happy, I’m just overloaded.

    My most recent partner has a big sexual past, but he was surprised to see me cry, so I’d say it’s not common. But he also said that it turned him on knowing I’m crying just from pleasure he gives me. Knowing that turns me on too.

  3. Happens to me(f) frequently. My husband and I have a lot of kinky, rough sex, so it’s a reaction to the emotional and mental overload. As long as everything is consensual, it’s all good.

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