Have you ever given a random girl your number? If so, what happened?

  1. Like walking to a random woman and giving her my number? No, that’s extremely weird to me and seems destined to failure.

    A girl out that I’ve flirted with and talked to but just met that night? Done that a few times. Hooked up with some and was with one for almost a decade

  2. Yes, a couple of times. Two of those women called me – one about four months, one almost two years later.

  3. I have a few times with varied results. Giving a woman my number takes the pressure off her to give hers out, and shows some confidence to break the norm of asking for her number. If she’s into you, she’ll text or call and that’s great. If she’s not, your # goes into the trash and not much is lost for either person as long as you were tactful and respectful while giving your # out. The last time I gave out my number to someone who was flirting with me in public, we ended up dating for almost 3 years.

  4. Once. She called me and we hung out a few times. Didn’t go too far in the long run because she was bi in an open relationship with a woman and just wanted some side fun.

  5. She hit me up a that evening, completely forgot about giving my number. She was not amused and I lost that opportunity.

  6. About a month ago, my snowboarding instructor (this girl about a year younger than me), asked me for my instagram handle after a long conversation we had.

    So I gave it to her, she is yet to contact me.

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