what are some of the basics of aftercare? and does sex have to be “rough” or “intense” for it to be necessary or is it more of a subjective thing…? was just hoping to expand my very limited knowledge on this lol

  1. After care is never wrong, ok, maybe it’s not needed right after a quickie, but even then a hug and so on would be appropriate.

  2. Aftercare is a practice typically spoken about in the bdsm community and meant to soothe partners (physically and/or emotionally) after intense experiences. But it doesn’t only exist in that realm – but it isnt usually labeled that way outside the community.

    What it looks like is different for everyone – for some its just cuddling to reconnect, reassuring words to communicate that you enjoyed the experience, a snack or drink to replenish, ice or massage to areas that were the target of impact play, a bath or shower….it just depends.

    It’s necessary whenever someone says it is. There aren’t any rules that say “if you didn’t degrade someone you dont have to give aftercare” or “if you are the Dom/me you dont need aftercare” – if someone tells you they need something to feel safe and cared for after you hook up then for them its a necessity.

  3. From personal experience bruv, I always give a kiss on the forehead, hugs and cuddles and and grab a warm towel to help clean anything up.
    I was definitely big on holding my partner in my arms wherever we ended up

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