I’ve had this issue since my 20s due to a pill I take to deal with epilepsy. Doesn’t matter who I am having sex with but a condom makes it 99.99% worse.


Basically, my sex life has turned very robotic if I want to orgasm…

1. Get hard, foreplay and pound her until I’m tired (15-30 mins). It feels amazing
2. At this point, we are both sore but if she’s up for it we go back to foreplay and then I get hard again.
3. 50/50 I can come
4. Go back to foreplay and have my partner use the fleshlight until I’m close


**I’m looking for options on how to improve this.**


Steps I have taken…

\- I go to the gym regularly

\- I bought a fleshlight and have started to use it with my sex partner (seems to speed things up). \^\^ *But not all girls are up for this as they question why I need a toy when there’s a beautiful naked girl there waiting…*

\- Never masturbate with my hands, always with the fleshlight and I avoid using my hands. I’ll shove it somewhere so I can use my hips. But I’ll get tired after 30 minutes and just use my hands to move it up and down. Limit myself to no pr0n unless it’s been a week long dry spell

\- I have recently purchased some L-Citrulline and will take 4g every other day



  1. Depends how open minded are you for prostate play?
    Honestly I have had a sub who had very strong epilepsy pills but still made him cum, pass out than have a seizure (ps – he was shocked and loved it). I can’t guarantee the same would happen for you but worth a try? As long as you do it right.

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