Think of a scenario in which a 10/10 model looking guy brags about his looks on one occasion vs an ugly guy bragging about his appearance(claiming that he is very handsome).

Who do you think would get bullied more?

I personally think the attractive guy would be bullied more. The unattractive guy would be laughed at and garner some mockery but that would be temporary; people would eventually forget that he bragged and move on. In case of the guy who’s really attractive, I think he will be bullied a LOT more. I think that’s because people less attractive than him already dislike the fact that he’s better than them; explicitly bragging would be like sprinkling salt over their wounds. People just won’t be able to take that and will incessantly bully for days, weeks or even months. They will say things like “you are not as handsome as you think you are” and try to convince him that he’s unattractive and basically break him down.

I’d like your thoughts on this too.

Of course, it’s not nice to brag and the attractive is being socially awkward by doing so. He may even be acting arrogantly but the point here is that it’s not his arrogance that he will be bullied for.

  1. Personally I think the ugly one would be because that is my experience then they hear my voice and it would be double the bullying

  2. Attractive people get away with quite a lot since psychologically, people are more inclined to think positive things about them, whilst the opposite is true for people that are not as pleasing on the eye.

    Being bullied would depend on the people who have heard it. If the people are insecure (bullies) they would pick on the bragger, if they were secure with themselves, they wouldn’t care.

    People who are less attractive than the attractive guy may be jealous but all it’d take is for girl they crush on to tell them to stop picking on the guy, and they would stop. I’ve actually seen this happen (though the attractive guy didn’t brag like in this scenario).

    This is less likely to happen with an unattractive guy unfortunately, so overall I think the unattractive guy would be bullied more. Either way, nobody likes to hear others bragging.

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