I’m attractive and fit woman in my late 20ties.

I’m not a relationship-type and I’ve never had sex with a complete stranger but I always had some kind of fwb situation. I’m hypersexual and I don’t feel satisfied enough after masturbation.

I’m in love for the first time in my life (with the person who doesn’t like me back) therefore I lost any motivation to interact with people and I don’t have any fwb at the moment. It’s like I’m too sad/ lazy to go out and meet new people to hookup with but I’m also angry that I don’t have sex.

I’m just sad/ mad that I’m wasting the best years of my life. Wasting my body.

  1. I think one thing to keep in mind is that, for a lot of women, full sexual maturity is commonly thought to reach it’s peak in their 30s, while men are commonly thought to be at peak sexual maturity in their 20s.

    My take on this is, you may have a bodylooks that you feel are being wasted currently, but really, the best years of your sexual life are yet to come.

    You may be concerned that when you reach full sexual maturity in your 30s, all the similarly aged men will be on the downslope of their sexual maturity. This is true. Guess that means you’ll just have to make use of your body with mid 20s lads at that point. Can’t imagine a worse punishment šŸ˜‚.

    TLDR: you aren’t wasting anything, you have not yet reached peak sexual maturity. Anything done or not done now, is only a warmup. The real fun happens in your 30s

  2. The best is to at least start dating and be honest about what you want. You can find someone you connect with and let them know that you wanna keep it casual and see where things might go afterward. Also, let them know about your sexual energy and see if they resonate with it. Lastly, there is nothing like wasting your body. As someone else said, the best happens in your 30s. There is a lot to explore. All the best!

  3. Gotta get back on the horse. It sucks to spend time on a relationship and it doesnā€™t go anywhere. But it sucks a lot more to not try anymore and never find a great relationship.

    You still have tons of time to use your body. While we all think back to when we were younger and in better shape etc, being in a great relationship in your 30ā€™s and 40ā€™s where you trust the other person and have fun together is way better than sludging through some meaningless relationships just to have sex. Keep at it. Itā€™s all worth it when you get the right one.

  4. That sounds tough. Iā€™m sorry your love isnā€™t being reciprocated. If I can offer a counter argument to you ā€œwastingā€ your body, you just donā€™t know when your peak will be, or what the preferences of a potential SO will be.

    My wife is younger than me by 8 years. We met when she was a petite 20 year old. I was apprehensive because she was sooo young, but letā€™s just say she was persistent. Sheā€™s now in her mid thirty, both of our bodies have changed, and Iā€™ve never been more attracted to her. I canā€™t to see what she looks like as a woman in her mid forties.

    Iā€™m sure you are in great shape, and that you work hard to be that way, but I hope that you find someone who is into you and not just your body. As for your body and all that you do to keep it in peak condition, I hope that all that effort is as much for your own well-being and self esteem as it is for a would-be SO or FEB.

    You sound like a knock-out. Hopefully youā€™ll find the desire to be among people to find an SO, FWB, or someone else who will appreciate you and all the work you do for your body.

  5. Disclaimer: uninformed advice.

    Maybe you could try to first work on figuring out what you actually want from a romantic/sexual relationship in general, what’s keeping you from seeking deeper (not necessarily romantic) connections? Exploring your sexual and/or romantic orientation could also help, given that you said it’s the first time you’ve fallen in love with someone. Could be that you are on the aromantic spectrum, which is completely fine and normal, and you just need to find a community or a (platonic/romantic/sexual) partner of a similar romantic orientation.

  6. Just get back up, dust yourself off, and back to dating.

    Life IS too short to spend worrying about what could have been, and start working towards what could be.

  7. You sound lonely tbh, you might be surprised about how a relationship makes you feel.

    Find someone worth your time and attention. Just my 2 cents

    It’s an odd thing to feel like you’re “wasting” your body though? Just because you’re young, doesn’t mean you need to have as much sex as possible.

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