Hey guys so I (29M) taking a sildenafil. Been on it for about a year. Reasons I take it is cause I get anxiety in the heat of the moment and it makes penis loose it’s hard. Basically anxiety performance. It works very well and it helps me stay rock hard and automatically ready for round 2 in 10 minutes! This pill has done wonders for me and always leave my partner satisfied. My only concern is I have to take the pill 30 to an hr before sex. Which is fine, the issue is that there’s days where my partner wants to do it out of the blue and well I can just say “ wait give me an hour or less before we start “ it will totally kill the mood and I’m not trying to do that to her. Just need advice on how to go about it. Should i communicate that with my future partners or just keep it a secret cause tbh it feels a little embarrassing to even talk about it. Thoughts?

  1. You should come clean so you can have an honest relationship. It will probably help drop the pills as well.

  2. You do you. If I was in your shoes I wouldn’t tell my partner. Some things should be kept for yourself. Meds are a short term solution, and you should focus on getting past your anxiety through therapy is something like that. Telling your partner, realistically, will cause you more anxiety because you will think that you are getting judged

  3. Just make foreplay/ pre sex fooling around last an hour. Eat the pussy for an in hour.

    I don’t really see an issue with them knowing, or not knowing. And I used to take it for recreational use(I was never prescribed/ don’t have any kind of ED), when I did that, I’d usually tell them, but if it was a health problem of mine, I wouldn’t have, it’s my health in that scenario, that’s be tween me, the doc, and the insurance company.

    Just noticed your name, love that car, used to have one.

  4. Try Cialis 20mg every other day. Or get on sublinguals which is what I take. 15-min ready to go.

  5. I would want my partner to tell me, not so I can judge them but it would take the pressure off you about when and where to take the pill. this obviously depends on your relationship, but your comfort matters too.

  6. In my opinion it can create insecurity in the girl if she already has it, but like other people said in the comment if she is open you can talk about it

  7. 30 mins or getting to the bedroom and foreplay… Works for me. Or if it doesn’t I just wait a little longer. Make sure I am ready too. I need foreplay to work out the anxiety

  8. If it’s your long term partner I think it would be better to tell her. Not because you have a moral duty to do it – you have a right to privacy even in a committed relationship, after all – but because it could help take some pressure off you and perennially help you wean off it, particularly if it’s a mental block causing your ED rather than a physical health issue.

    You could tell a little white lie and say that you’ve only recently started taking it, or that you’ve spoken with your doctor and that you’d like to try it. If you do this you’d have to stop using it for a while, otherwise she would ask why you’d need it when you don’t appear (to her) to have any erectile issues. I think keeping your story straight would be more effort than it would be worth, but up to you.

  9. Own it ! what is to be embarrassed about really? Back when I was dating, I always told them, many (don’t judge) told me they appreciated my honesty. Also Don’t say I need an hour to get hard, just do an hour of foreplay.

  10. U can stop and try natural things or other treatments for anxiety it self , or u can change the drug. But however as a pharmacist I must tell u these drugs aren’t that good on long term , they affect ur erection and might cause some circulation events.

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