We’ve been dating for a year and things have been great. However, my bf refuses to floss, wear deodorant, or shower after being out and about all day. We’re in NYC and I have to force him to wash his hands after riding the subway and touching the railings, for example. Another example: we went to a theme park and he refused to shower or change when we got back. I literally saw a kid lick the headrest of a ride. I refuse to let him touch me when we’re in bed together. I’ve brought up this subject multiple times and he just calls me a germaphobe. I’m starting to lose feelings and i’m not sure what else to do. i’d hate for this to be a dealbreaker but it’s just so gross.

  1. Basic hygiene is something we learn as children. This would 100% be a dealbreaker for me. Besides how nasty it is, what would happen if you have kids? Do you want him handling a vulnerable baby that has almost no immune system? I don’t know how you’ve tolerated it for a year.

  2. >Another example: we went to a theme park and he refused to shower or change when we got back.

    That’s kind of unreasonable.

    I don’t know many people who shower after being out all day.

    A lot of people don’t floss. And many don’t wash their hands.

    Deodorant is an issue. But the rest of the things are normal.

    If you cannot tolerate him, then your job is not to change him but to choose someone compatible to make a life-long commitment. Choose wisely.

  3. You’re not a germaphobe- those are normal hygiene needs! Your boyfriend is grubby.

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