I F28 met this guy M32 on Bumble. We went out a couple of times and the dates went very well. He texted to make sure I got home safely and texted the following days too. The last time we tried to go out, he got really sick and i was traveling the following weekend so it never worked out, but the texting continued. Soon after i got back, the texting kind of fizzled, so I texted him saying how he was and that I was back. We couldn’t meet up again because he had some family problems (one parent went to the hospital and the other got COVID). Then he traveled for 3 weeks. When he got back he didn’t text and i proceeded to text him first again. Even though he hasn’t been taking the initiative lately, he always replies in paragraphs and engages in conversations by asking follow-up questions and actually taking an interest in my life (not how i would assume a person who is not interested would act like). BUT he still hasn’t asked to see me and when I try to initiate from my side, he’s not available.

Some back story: he lived in a different country for 10 years and recently moved back. He is in the process of finding a job and getting his life together and reconnecting with his friends, etc.

Now the question is: should I just cut all communication and give up or should I leave the door open and give him the benefit of the doubt?

1 comment
  1. I guess ask yourself whether you’d be happy to be in a relationship with someone who has little time for you. I would ask him to tell you when he’s next available, and if nothing comes from it i would assume he’s not interested and move on

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