recently my boyfriend has been doing and saying things that have hurt my feelings. i have tried to bring it up but it feels like it’s kind of met with an inauthentic “i’m sorry” and like he’s just saying it because he knows i’m upset. when i try to tell him why my feelings are hurt so we can work through it he kind of just tells me “that’s not what it is” or “thats not what i meant”, something along those lines.

i kind of struggle with talking about things that hurt me and tend to just internalize them. but, i’m trying to be better at talking rather than internalizing.

as an example i can give: in the last two weeks i’ve had two of my relatives pass away. one of them was unexpected, and the other was somewhat expected, just not so soon. i am very distraught over that, as one could imagine. my bf only once asked me how i was doing, then immediately followed it up with “look i’m skiing”, when i asked for a little extra support he told me he was leaving me on read and delivered because he was at his grandma’s. i said i understood and that was that. nothing mentioned again.

i guess i am just wondering how i should navigate these situations so i can have that support i need/effectively communicate without feeling like i am being a burden.

1 comment
  1. Someone who isn’t even willing to talk about it probably doesn’t care about you as much as they should

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