My gf and I (M19, F18) have been together and having sex 1-3x/day for a few months now and she has yet to orgasm with me. Before her I’ve had a few partners who I could often bring to orgasm. We always spend allot of time on foreplay, and I always spend ALLOT of time fingering her, performing oral, and using a vibrator. I’d say about 80% of the time we spend having sex is focused on her pleasure. I’ve done lots of practice and research on how to do these well, and have had her guide me into doing what feels best for her and she seems to really enjoy it, moaning loudly, muscles twitching and moving uncontrollably, creamy white discharge, and I can feel her vagina contract, sometimes so hard it pushes my fingers out but apparently she never orgasms. I’m very patient and will do these things for a long time until she’s begging me to put my penis inside her. We’ve talked about this before and she says it’s just really hard for her to orgasm but is still really happy with the sex we have. She does seem happy but this is starting to hurt my self esteem. Any advice?

  1. Obviously all women are different but usually if my GF begs me to fuck her she will soon cum from oral. Since it is far easier to bring her to orgasm that way maybe talk to her about continuing what you are doing instead of penetration. Also this might be a stupid question but how well does she knows her own body?

  2. > She does seem happy

    then she probably is enjoying it. Although the only way to know is to ask if she is / if there is anything you can do to make her enjoy herself more.

    For me and my partner, I try to make her orgasm harder / longer every time we have sex. This means focusing on what makes her moan more, makes her push her body into / away from my fingers or tongue. This might mean slowing down my fingers, making sure she is more lubricated, applying less pressure, etc… until I get it just right and then adding in other things she might like and then trying to see if it makes her get off harder or not and keep on working on trying to get better and better everytime.

    As long as she seems to be enjoying herself and is still moaning / screaming you are doing your job until she tells you you aren’t. If she is begging for your dick then you are probably doing something right.

    Same deal, I have another friend who can only cum with her hitachi wand and you basically just get her as far along as you can and then when you are both done she busts it out. That’s what works for her and all we can do is try to get her as close to orgasm as we can until she needs that wand to finish. Everyone is different.

  3. It could be a few things. Maybe she’s overthinking how she looks etc etc.

    Maybe it’s the fact she’s close to orgasm but it’s very intense.

    Can she get herself to orgasm? Or has she never orgasmed before?

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