What is the typical psychological reason for this ?

Do they want to appear as not a threat to the woman, because they think the woman is soft or quiet?

Or they have a subconscious desire to take care of her ?


  1. > What does it mean if a man’s voice becomes higher pitched, softer, gentler and more quiet when they speak

    I speak this way to people who I perceive as being afraid of me or in some state of mental crisis I’m trying not to make worse.

    Years ago when I was an RA in college, it was the voice I used on the residents who were acting unstable and may have been a threat to themselves.

    One time, my ex (who was unstable) tried prying open a coconut using a chefs knife. She was torquing the blade, which would have shattered and possibly hurt her badly had she kept it up.

    She got up without a word partway through the meal to do this. It was bizarre. She was eating, then she was getting up, then she was damned near ruining my knife.

    So I walked over, gently/calmly took the knife and coconut, walked her back to the dinner table, and sat her down to continue eating.

    All while talking to her using that voice.

    So yea..that’s my *crazy person I’m trying not to set off* voice.

  2. The high pitch is sometimes an instinctive way to come off as non threatening. I do this involuntarily when I talk to kids and I walk away like ‘ Way to go you mickey mouse sounding fuck’.

  3. Some time ago there was this article all over the internet claiming men tend to do just that when they’re talking to a woman they’re interested in.

    I’m pretty sure I read that article in several different websites.

    I’m also pretty sure you read that same article and want confirmation.

  4. He’s a pimp lol.

    “Now Candy you knows yous my main girl, the others mean nothing…now where’s my paper?”

  5. From what I heard its created from a desire to mimic. We tend to take on the traits of people we are close to and slowly become simular taking sayings and even accents in some cases.

  6. When I am happy/excited my voice tends to go higher, something that just happens and I dont notice it.

  7. The high pitch comes from wanting to be perceived as a friend, not a foe. Iirc I read that some animals do the same thing. It doesn’t mean he’s intimidated; it means he wants to not be perceived as a threat, and usually because he perceives you as “something good.”

  8. It depends on the guy. Me, I do it a lot to calm because I, unfortunately, have a very loud deep voice. So I’m trying to appear soothing and calm.

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