What can we do to fix schooling for boys?

  1. Stop pretending that boys are incapable of sitting still and paying attention to the lesson, and stop excusing bad behavior.

  2. Allow them to play sports(combat sports excluded) during recess, before and after the class.

  3. I think prior to the 1970s education was based on competitive model, where the brightest and the best competed for scholarships and awards and boys thrived.

    With the rise of feminism in the 1970s we moved towards a model of less singling people out, more team activities, winning teams and losing teams both celebrate together, etc. More emphasis on diversity over outright performance. This has lead to women doing better in school and boys performing more poorly.

    I think we should recognize that both approaches have there merit with boys primarily thriving in competitive environments and girls in collaborative ones. And probably some cross over for some individuals.

    The goal should be the best education for boys and girls.

  4. Why is schooling for boys bad? Need context here. Was a boy, went through school, turned out okay.

  5. Ideally it would be best to have two separate systems with two different approaches to education. However, in today’s social climate, that’s somehow sexist so for the time being we’ll keep treating both sexes like neither exist.

  6. Parents that care. Parents that will sit down at the dining room table and help with homework (and then have dinner together at that same table). Parents involved in PTA. Parents who go to the conferences and ask what they can be doing at home to help their kids.

  7. Stop punishing boys for being physical and stop telling little bits to use their words, they may not be able to verbalize them correctly

  8. Get rid of school sponsored sports, so they can focus on learning and educating themselves instead of being the strongest kid in school.

  9. Boys’ schools with male teachers, more time to be boys between classes, make sure they are not bullied, allow and promote vocational learning. All boys must take part in a sport, learn an instrument, and take a class on how to be gentlemen. Art classes and languages should be required.

    Public schools are meant for the calm demeanor of girls, not boys.

  10. 1. Fewer female teachers
    2. More positive masculine male role models that dont attack you for having a penis
    3. More competitive sports with winners and losers not participation trophies

  11. What’s the specific issue we were addressing here? It will vary from place to place.

  12. I’m a male teacher, and I try to impart good teachings to them. Try to be a positive male figure. To me, that means warning them about the dangers of social network bubbles, extreme beliefs and mysoginy as well as misandry. I try to teach them about these social aspects of life even if it’s in small doses. I hope they turn out to be good people.

  13. Encouragement instead of shame would be a good start in schools.

    One time when I was a kid, our school went to this lecture place, where some men sat down with the girls to tell them that men are violent pigs, and afterwards they sat down with the boys to explain how we are all violent pigs.

    Maybe if people stopped telling young boys that they are violent pigs, boys would stop becoming violent pigs.

  14. Let them run around more and give them more leeway to fuck up and correct it instead of hoping somebody is going to be perfect from the start.

    Too many fucking rules everywhere in our society.

  15. OP, you have a clear record of having post, comments, and bans for creepy, toxic masculinity, and misogynistic views.

    While there are some concerns on this post, you should focus on your own mental health and understand why you spend so much time worrying about women.

    p.s. Wiping your own ass is not, in any way, considered gay. Or sexual at all.

  16. Bring back shop classes. Emphasize the trades as a viable alternative path to college.

  17. Raise wages for teaches along with requirements for teaching ability.

    Once teaching becomes a viable money make more men will be involved. Once more men are involved that’ll remove some bias in the system.

    If you only increase the pay nothing happens. If you only increase requirements that’s just few teachers over all. If you raise requirements and pay too much then again…just means no teachers. You have to entice more men to become teachers with something they broadly care about:resource allocation.

  18. As a teacher I just think its a cultural thing. I’m British and some of the schools I’ve worked at have great lads in who are really aspirational. Others have lads from poor backgrounds who have no support at home and no aspirations.

    All the Indian kids I meet or polish kids tend to want to he more successful and are supported well at home. I guess the issue is a lack of parenting due to the cuts in support groups to help families.

  19. get teachers from outside academia. subject matter experts, professionals, and the like.

    the school system has had 40 years to course correct, but is actually getting worse faster as time goes on. so fuck em’. anyone who knows enough about a subject would be better than people trained by a corrupt system to perpetuate that corruption.

  20. How about we stop treating being high energy, curious, standing up for yourself and being physically active as “toxic” first?

    Also, the way most classes are taught in the West are simply not connecting with the ways boys learn best. It’s a massively unfair tilt which only goes worse in college.

    Thirdly, weeding out sexist / progressively indoctrinated teachers is key. Not that hard though. Most of these scumbags brag about their toxicity on Twitter anyway.

  21. More men in the public school system, less medication as the solution, less demonization of masculinity in school

  22. I always thought more outdoor activities like hiking, camping, and outdoor skill-learning similar to the boy scouts would of been cool. Remove/quit-pushing the political, sexual, and race stuff from the schooling (let kids be kids).

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