So my boyfriend and I of 3 years are moving in together very soon. Recently he began adding random women on his social media which wouldn’t bother me but all of them are only fans girls. One girl stood out to me because she slept with my ex husband while we were married. I expressed my concern respectfully with him asking him to delete her because I don’t feel comfortable with that type of girl on his profile. They always react and heart each others posts which made my eye twitch seeing it. Last night I lost it and broke down on how I don’t like this girl and It would give me a peace of mind if he just removed her off every social media. He got defensive saying I’m doubting his trust and what’s the problem liking her posts. He called me insecure and I’m looking to start a fight and how can we move in together If I’m gonna act so paranoid. So anyways he’s been in very low contact with me all day and I’m starting to freak out because mostly all my personal belongings are at our new apartment and he’s already fully moved in. I’m scared he’s going to ghost me with how little contact we’ve had. And no he didn’t delete her.

TDLR: boyfriend is befriending a girl on social media who slept with my ex husband years ago and is calling me paranoid. Suppoed to move In together in less than 2 weeks.

  1. dude is gaslighting you. Get your sht and bounce. You didn’t ruin this relationship, he did. Like I wouldn’t want me SO policing all my socials and stopping me from having female friends and such but that doesn’t sound like the case here. you are unhappy with one specific woman who your ex cheated on you with. Seems reasonable to not want him to be hitting her up and he should be respectful of that.

    This case in particular is totally reasonable and he is an ass. You deserve better.

  2. Commenting just to say I am going through the same thing and you are not alone 💕 sending calmness and strength to you

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