First off, my English is pretty bad so i want to apologise in advance for spelling mistakes in advance.

I (17M) am currently talking to another girl (17F) and I am wondering if i should make a move.

Bit of background: She is a part of a friend group I am half in, and we’ve been always chill with eachother, not really talking with eachother alot but still on good conditions. I got invited to one of that group’s parties and during that party when another guy was trying to hit on her she suddenly said: “hey …. you’re the nicest guy i’ve ever met”(while the other guy was sitting next to her) she was pretty drunk so i did not take it that serious but still thought about it for a bit. I had apparently eaten something wrong and threw up later at that party which ruined my reputation at the group (I understood it 100%). the next day that same girl messaged me if it was going well and we talked for 10 minutes. Well time passed (1 month) and I recently bought a new jacket and when i was walking she recently came up to me and complimented my new jacket. I said thanks and all and a week later she complimented it again and it caught me off guard so i kinda stood there for a second and then one of the guys in that friend group kinda laughed (in a good way) and i sorta made a move and complimented her back she aprecciated it so I started a conversation and we once again talked for a while.

I started to think maybe she liked me so i decided to randomly add her to snap and see what happens. She started to snap me back the same day and i snapped back, we snapped that day for like 3 times. Now we are still talking on snap and shes asked me about my birthday and she briefly mentioned the valentinesprom(?) I asked about her hobbies but the snaps are kind off drying off (one snap every 3-4 hours to eachother) and i feel like she is losing interest. she is on vacation right now so there is no way that i could speak to her in person (I do not like talking via snap).

I want to make a move because i feel like she is trying to make me make one, but I also do not want her to think that i am a weirdo in any case. Do you guys think that she’s into me? if yes:

I have had plenty of chances but i never really made a move and don’t know how to do it without being weird.

Edit: do you guys think that she is just being nice or flirting?

  1. Just ask her out. You have already established the foundational rapport. Romance comes with risk. You gotta take a chance and just do it. If she say no, that is ok.

  2. Getting to know each other is something that needs to happen in person, not over the phone. That’s the rule. Which means asking about her hobbies and her life over snaps is just something boring, and counter productive.

    Not only that, but when you overthink, and hesitate a move when the opportunity is clearly there, they also begin to think you are either not interested or worst, that you are interested, but are a coward who is afraid of rejection.

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