He is 23 M, I am 29 M, I have a full-time job while he is still in college, I didn’t give too much thoughts on the differences between a student and a full-time worker before we signed the lease, it’s like we live in different dimensions. Most of his friends are even younger than him. We are both new of the city, him being in school has made it easy for him to make friends, sometimes he comes home around 4 am, which kind reminds of myself back in college. Today he asked if he can bring his friends/classmates over for dinner (did invite me for dinner too) and the new year countdown, if I am not comfortable, then he will find somewhere else. I said dinner is fine but I want to sleep just like on a regular day. I am not sure if I am being too harsh/old school, I don’t have anything important to do the next morning, I just don’t like having a group of college kids partying in the living room while I try to sleep.

Edit: I forgot to mention that they often party at the dorm, so they do have a place, but it’s possible that the dorm might not be big enough if the group exceeds 12 people.

In the end: I changed my mind and told him that he can do whatever he wants to tomorrow. I think I was being a little stiff and perhaps a little selfish too.

**TL;DR!** : My roommate wanted to bring his friends home tomorrow night for dinner and the celebration, I only said yes to the dinner part, am I being an asshole?

  1. It is New Year’s Eve and you don’t have to work the next day, I’d probably just say yes and sleep with earplugs. Even if you guys were the same age/working people it is only fair that he can enjoy the space for social activity from time to time, and seems like he’s being considerate about it. If they’ve already found somewhere else to go after dinner though then no problem.

  2. I would have just let him do it. Sounds like he’s trying to be considerate and if he’s paying his share of the rent he deserves to get his way sometimes too. And besides of not for New year’s, then when?

  3. Yah I would’ve let him do it. What’s one night gonna do when you dont work? Ecspecially on new years. You also have to understand he lives there too and honestly should have the option to have drinks with friends. I honestly don’t understand how people can live with roommates that don’t allow them to have people over whenever. I’ve never actually had a roommate that cared about that, and I’ve never cared if a roommate brings people over, as long as theyre respecful. And I work miminum 10 hour days.

  4. first off, I think him asking you was a nice and classy thing to do…secondly, you are roomates, youre not his parent, so he should be allowed to have some people over, especially if you arent working the next day. Lighten up, and have a few drinks with him and his friends and go to bed later for one night. Its new years!

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