Why do I feel bad when I try to make a joke or do silly things like meme-ing myself.?

Like I had been a not-really serious person since I was little and due to it I feel like I’m not being taken seriously by the people around me, also I have a ton of insecurities regarding myself and I’m very serious regarding it, and I hate it when they other’s make fun of it or try to make a joke about me too.

So I’m really in a dilemma, I want to be a goofy person cause I think that’s who’s really me but I just want to be taken seriously too and prevent others from making fun of me especially, my insecurities.

  1. This is a multi-layered issue with no straightforward answer but to boil it down: you need to be able to project confidence at the right time. If you want to be silly, be silly but you need to have it in your back pocket to make it clear through your aura when you are to be taken seriously.

    Those who rely on shouting and swearing do not get taken seriously so don’t fall into that trap. Being able to change gear is not easy and not always successful but if you get it right, it is effective.

    I manage a team and like to do so light-heartedly but they know when I am being serious. Some respond more than others but that comes down to managing individuals.

    Work out how you want to be viewed in individual circumstances. When you know that, you can start to work on how you will get there.

  2. I am goofy as well, mostly just trying to find the light side of everything in my life. But I have recently realized that it is not the best way to be taken seriously. I would suggest that maybe have an inner circle of friends and family who know you and would take you seriously when you want to be but can still be yourself around them. And try to put up a more professional/serious demeanour where it is needed – formal events, workplace, meeting new people etc.

  3. Tell em that you’re sensitive about those things. My friend told me what he was sensitive about and I avoid mentioning it since then.

  4. I don’t know. I joke around with everyone and act like a goofball, but people don’t treat me like a clown because I guess I’ve shown that I’m also competent? Maybe.

  5. Just make sure that what you are doing is obvious. Preface what you say with something that would lead the conversation if you have to.

  6. Be competent. Know your shit. If people are confident that you can come through when it matters, they will take the goofy front more playfully and it will just add depth. But if you’re otherwise kind of a loser on top of being goofy, you’re the first to cut loose when things get tight.

  7. Be funny when its appropriate and be serious in serious situations.
    Don’t think in black and white you can still be funny in serious situations but don’t over use it.

  8. I find that being good at what you do encourages people to put up with a degree of silliness.

  9. Make sure they take you seriously and respect you before you show your goofy side. Safe you goofy side only for your close ones, I personally reserve my most goofy side for my gf only.

  10. I joke nonstop all day, everyday. All I want to do is make people laugh, look for any comedic moment I can capitalize on, be silly, and dump on the sarcasm like it is my only language. But people take me seriously because I convey when I am serious about something.

    It sounds more like you may just have some insecurities that exacerbate the feeling that people do not respect you. Address those, get more comfortable with yourself, but do not abandon being goofy. You like to be goofy; that is a part of you. Once you are comfortable with yourself you will not worry so much about people taking you seriously…and once you are to that point, people should naturally start respecting you more.

    Age is another thing as well. People do not tend to take young people as serious yet. Not to say it is impossible but will take more time and effort if you want to carve out respect at a young age. You simply haven’t lived that much yet (if you are in your early twenties or younger).

    TLDR: Be yourself, be goofy, worry less about what people think of you (this does not mean be inconsiderate fyi)

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