So I (21M) have been masturbating relatively often since my early teenage years (on average once a day if I had to guess). I’ve never had any discomfort result from this whatsoever. A few days ago though, I experienced a very intense headache at the back of my head for a few minutes during and right after cumming. I thought this was just a one off thing and didn’t think much of it but the same thing happened the next day. It’s been going on for about four days now I believe and it’s the same thing every time. A very sharp and intense headache at the back of the head right when I’m cumming and it goes away a few minutes later.

Even more interestingly the past couple of times I’ve gone to the gym I’ve experienced a somewhat similar headache appear in the middle of my training session and it only went away a little while after leaving the gym. It wasn’t quite as sharp and painful but still recognizable as the same headache in the back of the head from when masturbating albeit not quite the same level of pain.

I experienced this earlier today as well and for the first time it seems like the pain isn’t entirely going away only calming down in terms of the level of pain, meaning I currently, as of writing this, still have a small headache as a result of masturbating.

What can this be? Has anyone experienced something similar?

  1. Happens to me when I’m dehydrated and the blood gets flowing. Make sure you’re drinking the right amount of water daily, according to weight.

    If that isn’t the case it could be caffeine intake? I get those when I drink too much coffee. Masturbating/sex takes it away in the act, then it hits like a Mack.

  2. It is definitely high BP at the time of orgasm. Best thing is to check your BP during or after orgasm. If it’s very high you need to check into BP medicine. I would know.

  3. What you have here is called an exertion headache (the real medical term). Especially since you said it was BOTH gym and orgasm related. I personally suffered from this previously. Mine was caused from lifting but also applied to masturbation as well.

    Don’t panic, be very glad this is treatable. To me these exertion headaches were the worst fucking thing pain wise in my life, not to mention it entirely debilitated my ability to lift weights. Mine were accompanied by insane thunderclap headaches but some people have a more dull mild pain.

    Ill give you my prescription as to what I did here.

    On average you can entirely heal yourself in about a month or so as your symptoms sound relatively mild.

    Okay so what causes these are different from everyone, definitely try reducing caffinee and increase water as some say this helps and is healthy anyways.

    For me it was a combination of taking a small rest from lifting heavy compound lifts in the gym (bench squat leg press). The movements where i needed to brace and hold my breath (valsalva manuver) were what mostly caused the headaches.

    Take a rest for 1-2 weeks from heavy compounds

    Be careful of your neck and spine “hygiene”. Bad posture and neck placement from looking at my phone all day made it worse.

    What really cured it was training my neck muscles to become stronger.

    I just did sets of neck curls and neck extensions (without weights attached) until i could feel a lot of blood in my neck and a nice kinda pump in there.

    Do your neck exercises always before lifting weights or physically exerting yourself and take some rest (minimum 1 week entirely) from lifting heavy or really at all. You don’t wanna aggravate these more.

    Everyone’s experience with them is different but i swear doing sets of like 50 neck curls nice and slow and controlled getting a good pump on my neck cured these.

    I remember how worried I was and depressed thinking I could never lift weights again or comfortably masturbate or have sex. Theres a cure!

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