I am 22(m) and can’t really wait anymore so should I have sex for the first time with a prostitute or should I just get a blowjob from a prostitute

  1. Sex aint all that tbh. Find someone you care about before doing it. I kost vcard to a hookup and didnt feel anything after except emptyness

  2. Entirely up to you. If you search it on here you will find a fair amount of posts that regretted doing just this.

    If you want it to be quality, you will have to spend money. In my opinion, a cheap prostitute will leave you feeling dirty or bad about the experience. If you spend and get quality, she will be a pro and make you glad you did it.

  3. Don’t pay for any companionship. It’s not going to change anything by having sex. Work on yourself and find someone who sees/appreciates/wants your attention(not your money).

  4. It wouldn’t get the real feeling and you need to PAY for it.

    Sometimes the said prostitute often kills the mood, I must say.

  5. It’s your life and your choices. You are an adult now. I personally wouldn’t. There would be no point. An empty pleasure towards a person I have no feelings for. I’m not in the minority either, I seen so many sex workers on reddit making posts about how most of their male customers end up leaving midway or before it even starts and they have emotional breakdowns where she is now having to hear them out and console them. It’s pretty sad.

  6. First off, I’ve never been with a prostitute.

    I was a bit of a late bloomer like you though. If it’s affecting your ability to find and maintain relationships with women, maybe you should find a prostitute. Confidence can go a long way, and maybe that’s what you need.

    Alternatively, do you have any close female friends you could level with and give you some real lessons (actual sex, not just talking about it).

    If you do decide to go the prostitute route, make sure you find one that is well reviewed. I’ve visited some review websites out of curiosity. There are some protocols to follow so she knows you’re not law enforcement. Never give money up front some will run out on you or kick you out – finding someone well reviewed will generally leave you with someone you don’t have to worry about those issues though.

    Someone else mentioned finding a pricey prostitute because you get what you pay for. That is most likely the case, but sometimes reviews will mention GPS – Golden Pussy Syndrome – she thinks her service / her pussy is worth way more than it really is – again this is why you should find someone well reviewed.

    If you visit one, be upfront and tell her you’re a virgin and want experience. If you’ve never eaten pussy have her show you where her clit is etc.

  7. Do you want a long term relationship eventually? Some women will have serious qualms with dating a man who has seen a sex worker. I’ve seen this question asked a few times and the answers from women are usually mixed but skew negative.

  8. Before porn, this is how a man was broken in. I forgot the exact stat, but early Kinsey studies found that around 3 out of 5 males lost their V card like this (before porn)

  9. Too easy. Make it a challenge to find a good person and build up the whole thing together with sex in ending, it’s way more funny

  10. As someone who thought hard about doing this before I met my now wife it isn’t worth the risk unless you go to canada where its cleaner and legal. But that said being intimate with a loved one is better than just sex. I was a virgin til 26… just don’t let it be your main focus and it will happen in due time.

  11. Neither unless you have the HPV vaccine. Tbh I had my first blowjob at 23 now that I’m interested in this girl I know I’m kinda upset I’m not a virgin tbh. Don’t take sex for granted. It is up to you but if I could do things differently it would be to stay a virgin till I could actually share my time with someone who will be there with me

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