What’s the most uncomfortable thing you’ve done out of politeness?

  1. Allow certain friends to live with me in the past. I’m easy going myself, but when you’re in a marriage, having friends temporarily live with you can create annoyances that you then have to deal with for the sake of the relationship

  2. I (non religious) was going around on crutches for a week in college. One day I’m hobbling back to my dorm and a girl stops to ask what happened. I explain it was a strained tendon, she asks if she can pray for me. I’m thinking she’ll take it back to her room that evening or whatever. So I say sure since I’m not about to tell someone what they can or can’t do with their own time. Next thing I know she’s crouching down, hand over my lower leg, snapping a few times, praying rather loudly. Naturally everyone walking past is just staring at us and my awkward ass has no idea what to do so I just wait it out, say thanks, and speed crutch my way back to my room

  3. This chick sat on my leg at school and I struggled to hold her up. She was pretty hot so out of politeness I dam near snapped my whole bone holding up that big ol booty, instead of telling her to get her fat ass up off of me.

  4. Seven years ago I grinned and bore with one of the seemingly most toxic roommates imaginable because I was only going to be in the area for a finite time and I really didn’t want to break the lease. So instead I just dealt with near endless nagging and drama. XD

    She was only my second roommate but has turned me off from ever having one again, I REALLY don’t want to deal with the laundry list of BS I had to put up with for a year.

  5. I allowed a girl to hold onto me while a group of us watched a horror movie. Every time she got scared she would grab onto my arm and turn into my shoulder, averting her eyes from the screen. It was super weird and uncomfortable because a) I didn’t know her at all, and b) before the movie she basically flat out told me that she wasn’t interested in me romantically and just wanted to use me because she really wanted to watch the movie.

  6. nsfw, but

    >!Sent someone a dick pic when I didn’t want to, but they made me feel guilty for not doing it. Felt so dirty for days afterwards.!<

  7. I dislocated my shoulder while going down on a girl. Something about the way I had my arm wrapped around her thigh. I was kind of drunk but ended up finishing her anyway out of politeness. THen we went to the ER.

  8. I once was a wing man that had to go all the way with a girl that I definitely would not pick under normal circumstances. I was doing the polite thing.

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