If you met a friend on the internet what do you do to keep the friendship to last long? For me, I got some new friends but I can only talk for about one or two days and after that I don’t know what to talk about. Any tips?

  1. I appreciate your willingness to be a good friend. Yes, in my experience it’s good if you’ve got something to makeup for the times you’ve missed while you were still occupied.

    Things to make up for is first the time, then the excitement you can bring to them like catching up w/ the current news/trend.
    I absolutely am welcoming with memes especially when someone I haven’t talked for suddenly sent me a wholesome meme.

    It’s the small things for me.

    Hope this helps and Happy New Year’s!

  2. It would be easier to maintain that friendship with people whom you share common interests with. Even now that we’re professionals, my online friends and I still have not ran out of anime talks.

  3. take notes about your common interests! whenever you see something interesting that is related to your common interest you can send it to them and start a conversation from there!

    e.g: if you both like books, you can send them a picture of a good book you’ve read recently, exchange book recommendations, send pictures of this bookstore selling a new and interesting read

    and if your friend talks about how this book has a movie adaptation (you can then expand into a topic about movies and ask questions!)

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