I recently noticed that for the past few years I have never treated my uncle the same that I treat my other family. He’s always been a part of my life ever since he married my aunt when I was around a toddler, and even though I don’t remember much of anything from when I was younger, I know from family that he took care of me. Yet somehow, strangely enough, I’ve never seen him as family and more as a stranger or a new edition even though I see him more than annually. I know that when I was a teen I never actually even talked to him, and I would decidedly ignore him or try to anger him. So, because I have matured more, I decided to actually talk to him and speak to him kindly this holiday season. He came and I immediately wanted to leave, I couldn’t bear to be in the same room as him and every time he looked at me I would feel like everyone was watching me. I can’t even speak to him normally. Does anyone know what this could be? Or does anyone have any advice as to how I could end this weird thing and actually treat him like my uncle?

  1. I would trust your gut on this. There’s no reason you need to be more than cordial to this person. Don’t put yourself in uncomfortable positions out of guilt or social obligation.

  2. You just don’t like him lol y’all are so goofy. You don’t have to like every person and family member. Stop being people pleasers it’s exhausting.

  3. I honestly think some people put off a weird vibe. And I sometimes think it’s because of what’s going on in their heart & mind. You might be one of those people who’s more sensitive to that, and is picking up on it. So, treat him politely and with respect, but don’t feel you have to go out of your way to be super chummy either.

  4. Some people just seem creepy without being creepy, but trust your gut, if you don’t like him you don’t like him. Don’t force yourself to be around him out of social obligation.

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