New girlfriend i’ve been for a month admitted to me last night that she likes gangbang porn and that it’s basically the only porn she watches. She vaguely said she would do one as well.

Ive known for a while she has had a threesome with two guys before and this was a red flag for me. She has also mentioned briefly she would be down to do a threesome with me and another guy. And after he telling me this, should I be concerned? I’m not really ready to do a threesome just yet this early in our relationship and worry it’s something she wants now secretly.

I don’t care that she watches porn because don’t we all, but the extreme of it is a little concerning to me.

  1. She is laying her boundaries out. If you don’t have the same boundaries good to get through it in the beginning of the relationship rather than years deep. At least, she came out it’s it straightforward rather than keeping it a secret.

  2. Look, if you’re not interested in group sex, or if you think you might be but not this early in the relationship, you need to tell her.

    You have the right to your boundaries and to have those boundaries respected. Period.

    Give this a read: [](

  3. I like gangbang porn and let my partners know and I’ve had partners that have no interest in non monogamous sex and I respect their boundary’s and have never cheated on them.

  4. I like gangbang porn. It’s mostly all I watch but I don’t think I could ever have one.

  5. I love gangbanged porn it’s really a turn on and me and my wife have had a mmf before but I really don’t think I would want to do it for real just my opinion

  6. >I don’t care that she watches porn because don’t we all, but the extreme of it is a little concerning to me.

    Do you watch any porn that other people might consider extreme? Just saying that the type of porn people watch is not necessarily a red flag about the kind of partner they’ll be. People watch all kinds of wild things and then go back to their completely average lives.

    As for “should I be concerned,” it sounds like you are already. Maybe spend some time thinking about what you’re worried about, and you can always have a conversation with her about it.

  7. You’ve known for a while she’s had a threesome and it was a red flag for you… yet she’s your new gf? WTF?

  8. Flip the script, if you had done the 3some and tell her you would not mind having another 3some with her and into gangbang stuff! How do you think a female would react? Pron is different from real life stuff.

  9. I mean.. I’m bi an have been in a relationship with a guy for 8 years..

    Still like women but that doesnt mean I will go behind my partners back. It’s not “difficult” or something to not cheat on my partner. I love them, I wouldnt be able to even look at them if I did something behind their back an I’d bet your gf is the same.

    Just sharing that perspective. Know its largely unrelated but the principle is very similar.

  10. Update: We’ve arranged to hang out tonight. Going to discuss it and see if it’s something she really wants. I’m going to tell her i’m not really ready yet and see if she’s okay with that and go from there!

  11. Ok if you don’t wanna threesome maybe should break up now to stop wasting each others time. Question is how much she wants it, is it a requirement

  12. What exactly is your concern? Red flag for what? Do you think these fantasies make her more likely to cheat? For me, being gangbanged is a huge fantasy. I’d never do one, it’s just a fantasy, and I have my own reasons why I’d never do one. I also really want a threesome, but I would never ever want one with someone that doesn’t want one. Having a gangbang fantasy and wanting a threesome does not make me any more or less of anything than someone who does not have these fantasies.

    And for the record, I have never ever cheated. If I met my forever guy tomorrow and it meant I’d never get to have a threesome, then so be it.

  13. I mean it‘s porn… There is porn we like to watch and the fantasy about experiencing it in real life is hot but that‘s it, we would not really go for it. And even if she would like to have a threesome with you, being with your partner should be more important than experiencing a certain fantasy, especially if there is love. She is with you for a reason! I think it’s a good thing that she is open to you and you should do the same. Tell her that you don’t like the idea of a threesome at the moment.

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