So I tested a picture of me on this website and I got a score of 9.4. My wallpaper is the picture of me with the score written right below it. Ive gotten comments from people saying that’s really weird. I personally don’t see it as a big deal though. What’s so wrong with doing that

  1. Screams Narcissistic but either own it and be a good narcissist or realize it might be weird-

    Be a quiet professional- know your amazing be amazing and suddenly everyone will say your amazing

  2. My wife’s sister has a wallpaper of herself too and I found it super weird when I noticed that. But it fits her narcissistic ego driven personality perfectly.

  3. I don’t see nothing wrong with that. I have a whole collage of me as my wallpaper

  4. Eh, as long as you’re okay with knowing that no one but you cares about that picture.

  5. I mean shit what are you “SUPPOSED” to have as a background? Entirely subjective. Do what you want man that’s your personalization choice on your device.

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