At this point, it seems kind of strange to hear my coworkers who are younger than me talking about their girlfriends when I’ve never been on a single date before. I do wonder a lot what having sex is like. Surely it must be better than masturbation. I hope I get to experience it one day.

  1. I feel you bro!! I’m 21 yo virgin while my friends are in relationship they sleep with them and tell me about their experience and I’m simply jealous lol

  2. I’m gonna copy and paste something I wrote earlier today.

    I’m also 25, and up until 4 months ago I had never even kissed a girl, let alone been in a relationship or had sex. I had a pretty comfortable childhood but I was always introverted and shy, and going to an all-boys high school completely destroyed my ability to relate to women all through college and after. I worked through it, finished school, got a job, but the fact that I was a virgin always burned a hole in the back of my mind. I know where you’re coming from and how sad it gets. This year was a huge leap for me, and after some bad experiences the year before I resolved to put myself out there more.

    For me, the things that worked were in two areas. First, I worked on myself, I developed some hobbies, dressed a little better, and just got a little bit more confident in myself I guess. Second, I really applied myself to online dating, and most importantly, I got a woman (my cousin who’s been trying to get me to meet someone for a decade at this point lol) to go over my profile and point out things from a woman’s perspective. Sometimes we get too in our heads about what side of oneselves to present to others, and lose sight of what others want to see from us. And lastly, once you have a good profile, you just keep swiping, even if it’s soul-crushing at times. My girlfriend and I met on Hinge and the first dates were extremely awkward, but we worked through it, and found out we had a huge amount of stuff in common. I came clean about my lack of experience and to my surprise she also didnt really have any! Now we have a healthy and happy relationship complete with kisses, hugs, sex, and everything.

    I hope this helped, I wanted to share how I made it, and I hope that you do too soon! There’s people out there that could be interested in you just waiting for you to make yourself available.

  3. Don’t worry, my boyfriend also was almost 26 when we met and the first time we had sex. Afterwards he told me a little shy that he never had sex which wasn’t a problem for me at all…What you have to think about is that from nothing comes nothing. If you are wanting to have sex/ wanting to have a girlfriend you have to actively engage in the search for one.

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