To start things off, me and my ex partner were together for 2 years, we broke up in october due to things just not going right.

in the time of the breakup we went entirely 0 contact, blocked on everything. i also found out she cheated on me during this time.

She randomly messaged me earlier and we’ve been having a really good conversation about our memories together etc. however i don’t know if i’m doing the right thing?

she left for the military in november (RAF) and she has confessed she’d been with men in the time of the breakup, i myself had been focusing on me and myself and getting my mental health better as the relationship did very much destroy it.

i just don’t understand why she’d messaged after so long of not talking, we are getting along well and it is civilised. we’ve both expressed certain feelings. however i also feel like this is mind games? she very much wants the assurance that i’ve missed her etc and if she thinks we will ever have a future together and it does make me very scared because what if this is all a big trick.

i’d appreciate any advice on what this could possibly be or the best decision moving forward?

i do miss her and i do often think about her.

TL,DR : My ex girlfriend messaged me after two months of no contact and i’m very confused on if her intentions are good or not. Advice needed

  1. I would say don’t go backwards. You said that your mental health was destroyed during your previous relationship. You have actively been working on yourself (which can make you more attractive if you are happy/more confident then before). Maybe your ex sees that you are doing well and might want you back. When looking back at your previous relationship don’t just focus on the good memories but really think ‘why didn’t it work out before’. If it was just the cheating, do you really think she has changed. Don’t risk your mental health for someone.

  2. You’re 18, keep it moving bro. The fact that she’s been with another man is going to eat you up. Especially if you really really like her. It just is like that sometimes. But I am biased. Good luck!

  3. Exes are exes for a reason. Just ignore her. Don’t block just ignore. Ignoring goes further to prove a point than blocking people any day

  4. Dude. Pull your head out of your bottom. Block her and never talk to her again. She is obviously trash and you keep being pulled back into it all because you have no self respect. Good memories are not enough to somehow override an entire, shitty personality/heart.

    Her intentions are not remotely good. Christ.

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