We’ve been friends at least five years, so we’re close. I’m not against drug use although it’s not my thing, and if it was just pot or mushrooms I wouldn’t care. It’s cocaine and ketamine. There are also some really stressful circumstances going on for them that make me worry it’s not going to stay recreational.

Is there any point in saying anything or will that drive them away? I know I can’t change them but I feel like I’m not a good friend if I do nothing.

  1. You’re right in that you could drive her away. But I do think you should say something, just be careful in your phrasing. Something like: “hey just saying this because I care about you and I won’t bring it up again, but I just need you to know that I’m very worried about your drug use, especially given the situations surrounding it”.

    Sure, those drugs by themselves are dangerous, but you can be relatively safe if you are taking them as responsibly as you could. But adding the “really stressful circumstances” you refer to, that’s scary, like you said, it may not stay recreational.

    And she may still have a negative reaction, but that’s better than you having not said anything at all. Some day she’ll realize that you were her real friend if she does initially react negatively.

  2. I wouldn’t consider those hard drugs those are what people consider party drugs but what exactly would you say that you think would change anything , is she using every day or just when she goes out

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