My girlfriend and I (we live separately) have been fighting for about a week now. We had a massive just after Christmas and it was entirely my fault. I’ve told her already and apologised as I’m aware.

Long story short work has been really stressing me. It’s been breaking me to be honest. We had a very petty argument which caught fire and turned into a huge one. We are both fiery people (especially her. She’s very passionate) we had a chat about whether we should stay together or not. In which we decided to give it another go together and work things out.

Of course that was the night of the fight. We both agreed we were going to wake up furious the next day because we know each other too well lol. Well she decided since the next day to give me total silent treatment. I mean completely silent.

It lasted for about 4 days and it was clear she wanted space. But she was absolutely furious from the remnants of the fight we had. She contacted me saying she knows silent treatment is mentally horrible but she does not want to talk.

She also contacted a friend of mine (female) and stated she’s extremely upset (they are friends anyway it wasn’t a call to just say that lol)

It’s clear she wants space and it’s absolutely breaking me. One of the issues I have which ironically is my strong suit at work, I like to resolve issues asap, get to the bottom of things and make things right.

But I know that blowing up her phone will just result in more anger.

Does anyone have any advice on what to do? It’s affected my sleep and even my eating pattern. Feel extremely lost and friends I see have noticed it too.

I appreciate any help. Thank you

Edit: We live a few hours from each other. And I am actually set to see her in about a week and a half. Not sure if this changes things for anyone. But for now we are entirely in silent treatment

Tl;dr dating my girlfriend for two years now. Recently hit a very rough patch with multiple fights. She has taken space but not told me instead she assumed before then telling me. Not sure what to do. Do I contact her? Mental health being affected and she’s aware.

1 comment
  1. Realistically, I don’t think this relationship can continue like this. You are clearly toxic to each other, and you are either underestimating the seriousness of what you did to her or (and I think this is more likely) the toxicity you’ve let brew under the surface is now boiling over and making it impossible for you to communicate in a healthy manner. Couple’s counseling is your last resort, and that’s only if you’re both willing to invest the time, energy and funds into it in a relationship where you haven’t even reached the stage of cohabitation yet.

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