I’m a 20 something year old woman and haven’t had friends in over 5 years. In 2022 I made a real effort into trying to meet others but it failed to make a single friend. In the end I just got creeped on.

It’s incredibly frustrating and has been taking a real toll on my mental health as of late. I am desperately lonely and really need someone to spend time with. Probably one of my biggest barriers is the fact that I’m quite mentally ill and have incredibly distrust towards others and can be unreasonably needy which is probably what caused me to lose my last friendships.

Anyways, I’ve tried reading advice online but a lot of it really does seem to come down to “just be yourself” or be kind and friendly. This doesn’t really help me and seems simply too vague. I’ve tried going to bars a few times but I’m no one is particularly interested in me unless it’s to try to be sexual which I’m not interested in.

So that’s really my question, sorry for the annoying ramble about my life story.

  1. Do you have a local animal shelter by you? You can sign up to volunteer. It’s a very easy way to meet new people without having so much pressure to make a friend out of it.

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