I (21F) am confused whether I should break up with him (21M) or not.
I have been in a relationship with this guy for 5 years who have felt too comfortable in our relationship. Like everytime we meet, i go to his house and we have “house dates”, which im okay with it but the thing is this have kept going on for years and im tired of spending money on my transportation while he doesn’t do any effort to meet me halfway. We have talked about this how I miss those park dates cause I know we both dont have money for those fancy restaurant dates. But the thing is he always say “next time will go” but it never happened.
Whenever I invite him and say Ill be the one to pay for him (cause sometimes he doesn’t have any money) he declines and say I always complain about stuffs whenever we go out.

Am i too much for asking for outdoor dates?
Am i experiencing bare minimum efforts with this guy?

TLDR: Should I break up with him?

  1. Oh this is so lame. No you aren’t asking for too much. Yes he is doing the bare minimum. Cost isn’t even the issue, there’s a million things you could do for free or very low cost. You’ll have plenty of time to just lay around the house when you’re old and married. Go be young and have fun.

  2. You are not asking for too much. He is dishonest and unreliable, telling you he will give you what you want and then not following through. He could simply say he won’t do it, and then you could break up for being incompatible, but instead he has made it clear he cannot deal with issues in a relationship like an honest, responsible adult.

  3. It sounds like you’re in a pretty tough spot. It definitely sucks when your partner doesn’t put in as much effort as you’d like in the relationship, especially when it comes to something as simple as going on a date. But let me ask you this – have you actually sat down and had a serious conversation with your guy about how you’re feeling? It’s one thing to complain about it, but it’s another to actually address the issue and try to come to a resolution.

    From what you’ve described, it seems like your guy is pretty comfortable with the status quo and isn’t really interested in changing things up. That’s not necessarily a deal breaker, but it’s definitely something you should consider if you’re not happy with the current dynamic.

    As for whether or not you should break up with him, that’s ultimately up to you. But if you’re feeling like you’re not getting what you need out of the relationship, then it might be time to reevaluate things. It’s not fair to either of you to stay in a relationship that isn’t meeting your needs.

    Hope that helps, and good luck!

  4. I’m asking myself … would I stay in a relationship where our sole activity is Netflix and Chill?


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