what do you think is the saddest thing that could happen to you?

  1. My husband dying.

    Or getting a terminal illness and not being able to manage my stuff beforehand, so I would die knowing my husband would most likely end up unable to survive on his own due to his severe mental health struggles.

  2. I recently lost the horse I had for 16 years. Just the year before that, I lost my other horse who I only owned for a few years but still loved deeply. I normally don’t cry, but if I so much as hear either of their names, I still break down.

    So, that. It’s already happened.

  3. Asking for help..

    Always been the one to help others in anything and everything.

    Would just sadden the eff out of me to ask for someone to help in return..

  4. Getting a painful, drawn-out, terminal disease whilst in the throes of dementia with no family to advocate for/protect you.

  5. Losing my fiancé. We’re getting married next month, been together for 6yrs and he is my best friend. I can’t imagine my life without him and my heart would be absolutely shattered if I lost him.

  6. My 18 year old has fairly impressive mental health issues, and this past December marks the first year since they were 14 that I can say that 365 days went by without a single suicide attempt.

    The thing I am most scared of, and know will break me, is my child dying, and it happening at their own hands is the absolute worst of the worst.

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