I just found out from her phone, I had suspicions and checked and saw she’s cheating on me with a guy she talked to before me who is a few years older than me. I have proof of them fighting about him being with another girl an him said he “doesn’t even want to do it raw anymore” and she “doest want to always do it in the car”. He also said he wishes she wasn’t so broke and had a bigger ass and tits when they were fighting, and then they texted again today lol. Looks like she’s been cheating one me with him at least before December. I have been on and off with her for years and I loved her more than anything, but as of a few hours ago all of that is gone and I’m filled with rage and sadness, it feels like I’m living in a nightmare that I know is real. Anyway she has no idea, and she’s sleeping next to me right now. She got some weed the other day and said it was from her friend (girl) but now I know it was her smoking with him in my apartment. She also got some Pokémon underwear and I joked about if it was for him because I know they used to talk and that he likes Pokémon. She played these off well even when I asked a lot of questions about her friend smoking she came up with lies in less than a second. I’m sick to my stomach from this betrayal and just thinking about it. I need advice on what to do, she’s supposed to help me pay rent this week for the first time which I kinda need. Gonna try to get that done before I dump her. I could also put her on full blast on her own social media, but I’m not sure if that’s taking it too far. She put me through a lot in the past and I always stayed by her side and treated her right and I’ve always been loyal and forgiving to her. I want her to feel the pain I am feeling now, any advice? Thanks!

Ps sorry for typos or bad grammar I’m anxious so. Also the lease on my apartment is only in my name.

Tdlr: girlfriend of 3 years has been cheating and doesn’t know that I know

  1. get proof (screen shots of the conversations). Get rent. then get revenge if you want her to feel the pain – post those conversations on her medias then change her passwords.

    “she joked he likes pokemon” so… you know him and he knows you? he knows she has a bf? that’s double shit.

    “lease is in my name” after you get rent? kick her ass to the curb. She can sleep in the car she’s been fucking him raw in.

    he’s cheating on her while she’s cheating on you and he’s no longer going raw? Get tested.

  2. Get tested. Get rent. Do not have anymore sex, do not pass go, but DO collect the dollars. Sex will complicate the next step: dumping. Do not put it in social media, you don’t need the negative energy fallback and I guarantee it will not make you feel better. Just try and breathe, do one thing at a time. This is a long term relationship so give all of this some space so you can think logically I’m sorry this is happening to you, but you’ll be ok💛. Also lol she cheated with a piece of shit and they deserve each other.

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