It was two hours after his shift and when I came home he was talking in hushed tones on the phone. He saw me and immediately hung up. I asked him who he was talking to as I normally do to start casual conversation. He just said “work”. So I inquired further to make sure everything was okay, as this type of curt response was very out of the ordinary for him. He then explained that it was work asking him if he was going to a work dinner, which was the first I heard about it. I asked about it a bit more and he became very defensive. He then showed me his phone to “prove it was work” and I saw literally 8 calls back and fourth from this “work friend” within the last half hour. I asked if he was going and why they seemed to have discussed it so many times. He said he didn’t know and then again defended himself and said he would call her in front of me to prove he’s not lying. I immediately started stuttering saying that no he didn’t have to do that, and then before I could try and stop him, he was already calling this girl. I sat with my jaw dropped as he put it on speaker and proceeded to call this unknown female coworker. She answered in a giggly tone and said “you better not be calling to tell me you aren’t coming to the dinner after all..” then he cut her off and proceeded to ask this girl to explain why she was contacting him because his “girlfriend was upset that they were talking and he needed proof of their convo. “… I literally sat there completely stunned in silence as this girl defended herself to me despite the fact that I never asked for any of this. I’m completely humiliated as this girl he works with knows a lot of people I grew up with and I can’t even imagine how uncomfortable that made her and what she’ll tell others about how I’m a crazy jealous girlfriend when I’m absolutely not . Why did he do this?! Please help.

  1. You aren’t the one who should be embarrassed. He should.

    Honestly, the whole thing sounds shady!

  2. While I understand the pressure of you wanting to know who he was talking to, he shouldn’t have been all secretive on his work activities. He should’ve been straight-up honest.

  3. Because he’s sleeping with her or hoping to. Come on you can’t be that naive.

  4. They’re playing you. The coworker knows he’s cheating on you with her. He was so over the top so that she would *stop* talking about their upcoming date and *start* with the cover-up story.

  5. That was a setup to let her know that you are on to them. She knows he is using the work dinner lie to get to see her. He is hooking up with the coworker and she knows about you. No need to feel sorry for her. Otherwise he wouldn’t say work dinner he would say he’s meeting friends from work at (location). All you needed was a location to see for yourself. He said work dinner to exclude you from coming.

  6. He did it to make you feel guilty when he was the one doing something guilt-worthy.

    He is going to cheat with her.

  7. So you didn’t believe him, kept asking questions, and when he got fed up and decided to prove it you suddenly got all worried about what people might think….

    As for you being a crazy jealous GF, how would you describe what you did, and how you acted? Because while crazy might be a stretch, jealous isn’t.

    How about next time he dumps you for not believing him? Is that a better choice for you?

    Or better yet, you trust your BF, and if you decide you don’t, then don’t get upset when the proof corroborates his story.

  8. Wait…. he had a dinner with her… but not for work? Is that the gist of it?

  9. He cut her off and phrased it like that so she would know that you’re in the room so that she wouldn’t say anything to get them caught.

  10. He did it because he has something to hide. He said that to her so he could warn her you were listening. Red flag. Red flag. Red flag.

  11. BC he’s hiding something and that was his way of “appearing” to placate your supposed accusation. When, in fact, it was his way of giving this woman the “heads up” and looping her in that you are now Asking questions . Totally sus.

  12. Oh no honey that was a twisted gaslighted guided conversation. He is messing with that chick and that dinner was a personal dinner not something they are working together. This is why he cut her off after the little telling of what she said so that he could warn her of what to say.

  13. Break up you are being played! I would be gone before he got back. He purposely humiliated you

  14. He did this because he’s cheating on you.

    He called her and *cut her off* before she could flirt with him, informing her that you could hear the conversation. Then she’d know not to say anything incriminating about their affair.

    Literally he only called you out so she’d know not to say anything that made it obvious that they’re either in the flirting stage or are already sleeping together. And, she already knows he’s taken so…don’t bet that she’ll stop sleeping with him if you look for evidence and confront them. Sorry, OP.

  15. What is with him and that word ‘betrayal’? So if someone has a different view or experience than you it’s not valid, it’s betrayal? Omg blow it out your ass!

  16. She knows about you and was covering for him. It’s why he had to cut her off before she could keep talking.

    Get all the proof you can and then leave. You deserve better

  17. Girl, no. You’re old enough to know the answer to this. They were playing you. Hard. They both just made a fool out of you.

    If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck….

  18. Dude, he’s fucking her. That’s why he cut her off and mentioned you were there, so she didn’t say something she shouldn’t.

  19. Call her yourself, tell her the actual situation since he’s misrepresented it and you were off guard and didn’t speak up.

    Also, could be cheating

  20. Quit wasting your time with this man. He is either cheating with her or hoping to cheat AND lying to you and gaslighting you as well. He’s massive asshole and will only get worse from here on in.

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