I met this girl on New Years at a club we talked briefly and and Exchanged numbers. Here is the convo:

Me: Hey it was coo you meeting you yesterday. You seem chill we should hangout sometime

Her: Yeah absolutely! It was nice meeting you too!

Me: Are you free this weekend?

Her: no response

I don’t really care that she didn’t respond I’m just curious if there’s anything I could have done better on my part

  1. To answer your question: you did nothing wrong. The only thing I may change is the last text. Instead of saying are you free this weekend, give an exact place and time and ask her if that works for her. Like say something like:

    “Hey, I’ve heard good things of this bar. Do you want to meet up here? Does Saturday at 7 pm work for you?”

    I dont think this text would’ve changed anything but sometimes it’s easier and faster to get the response if you have a plan set.

    When was this text?
    If you met her on New Years day. I imagine you texted her either Jan 1st afternoon or Jan 2nd. I’d say it’s still early and you shouldnt take this as a rejection or ghosting yet. Some people are just bad texters and dont have the energy to send a text even if it’s a simple response.

  2. It’s also possible that you needed to prove yourself a little more before proposing an in person hang out. Maybe she wants to be more sure that you are safe or interesting.

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