On this subreddit, you can always read stories of rejection, and most of the times it’s because both people are looking for different things.

But when you are both on the same page yet still get rejected for very vague reasons or no reason at all, how can you know what part of you is problematic? Of course, no one can be perfect but there’s always room for improvement. But who exactly can tell you what you lack dating-wise if not the people who reject you?

I don’t find introspection to be very helpful, what do you think?

  1. Just because you were rejected doesn’t mean there’s anything ‘wrong’ with you. Sometimes there is simply no ‘spark’ there.

  2. You could always ask them lol, it would still be shitty to hear from their perspective, so you should take it with a grain of salt.

  3. I don’t think there is anything wrong with you. It just isn’t always easy to find the right person sometimes.

  4. Agreed with the others. It doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you as there could be no spark, or maybe they had something going on. You can always be friendly and ask them. But take what they say with a grain of salt.

    “Thank you, you for the convo and no hard feelings for rejection, but I’m curious what happened. Anything you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, and have a wonderful day. ” … or modified as such. I’m not sure if that sounds too nice, though. LOL

  5. If there’s no spark or instant chemistry it’s not worth pursuing. That’s nothing to do with you but both people in the situation. You can’t generate a spark or chemistry, it’s either there or it isn’t. As annoying as it sounds. Maybe you’ve just been unlucky, but don’t give up or blame yourself. It happens, don’t worry about stuff you cannot control

  6. A lot of the time if the reason can’t be pinpointed, it’s just generally when the ‘spark’ just isn’t there which comes from a lack of attraction felt, and not enough chemistry.

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