Hi fellow social skills people. I’m 17f and ngl these past few years have been pretty harsh on me. Around when I was 15 rumors were spread about me and fell into deep depression and anxiety. ,(caused by bullying and stuff at home). I’m a very social being. I love everyone. I like talking to people. I love my friends. I love school. No matter how much it sucked for awhile. I havent veen to physical school for 1.5 years. For this semester Ive had surgery and other mental help so I have no school rn. Before this I had a bunch of friends I was Close to. I still hangout with them. But there is a new girl at school I do not know. She’s become very close with everyone. I’m a little bit out of circle now. My friends weren’t a clique. But now they are without me. I always see them having fun. It’s new years today and they’re having fun as I type this. I feel replaced. I feel so lonely on new years today. It sucks so much. I feel so stupid and icky for feeling jealous. I’ve met her once and she seems so cool and fun with her Polaroid cam.
It truly sucks for me rn because a few days ago I was actually doing well. But I’m falling into a rut because of this. Please help me.

1 comment
  1. Howdy! Sounds like you’ve been through a lot, and I’m sorry to hear about it. I’d highly recommend reaching out to a counselor or therapist, someone to talk to and really break down what you’re going through. This person can give you tools and solutions to cope with your situation. Also, journaling has really helped me personally, so give it a shot if you feel like it! I think it’s beneficial to keep track of what specific things make you feel what emotions. It’s also something you could share with a counselor/therapist.

    It sounds like you may be in high school? It’s tough in that period of your life, because everyone is trying to figure themselves out, and there’s a lot of stress from school. You deal with cliques, bullies, and flaky friends. Hopefully once you graduate, you’ll find your tribe of people through work, higher education, or whatever else you choose to partake in as you transition into adulthood. Good luck!

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