When was the last time you got food poisoning?

  1. Well I am not sure if it really was food poisoning or if my flatmate and I just got a stomach bug at the same time that went away unusually quick, but I made goose liver for us both. Bought it frozen, thawed it, smelled it, didn’t smell bad, so I pan fried it. Ate it with mashed potatoes and fried onion. In the evening I started feeling awful. Headache, nausea and feeling fever-ish. All typical symptoms of food poisoning. I did not throw up, but felt miserable for hours. My flatmate texted me during the night that he had thrown up.

    So yeah, that was fun.

  2. I was pregnant so almost a year ago. I had salad at Starbucks. It’s best to avoid premade salads. I had serious body pains and had to go to the hospital to get two bags of fluid. I lost my mucus plug which was quite alarming given my gestation period.

  3. 2008, I had sweet and sour shrimp from the Chinese spot across from the high school. I don’t eat shrimp anymore.

  4. Last time I remember I was about 14, we had chicken fajitas for dinner the night before we went on holiday to Madeira, I didn’t sleep well bc of my stomach and I remember throwing up in the garden as we were getting in the car to go to the airport. Spent a fair bit of the holiday making sure we were near a bathroom. Didn’t have fajitas again for a few years

  5. There’s a late night cafe I went to when I was in my first year of uni and I ordered a Buffalo chicken sandwich with blue cheese. I haven’t been able to eat blue cheese since.

    I was going home to visit my family that weekend, too. I had to sit on the train for 4 hours. It was horrible.

  6. 2018 I ate cooked quinoa that had been in the fridge for… a while. It had smelled fine. Terrible migraine + couldn’t keep water down. Thought I was dying and started calling loved ones lmao

  7. A couple years ago, maybe? I didn’t want to waste the last slice of turkey that had been in the fridge for a few days. Big mistake.

  8. Real food poisoning or just the shits? My actual norovirus experience was on the carrier. It was miserable. I spent three days with everything coming out both ends. I couldn’t even keep down my own saliva. I finally managed to crawl down to medical once it seemed over and they IV’d me two packs of saline.

    Last time I got regular sick from food was Doordashing a fancy burger place, I think they left it too long at room temp. Had some stomach cramps and diarrhea and haven’t ordered from there since.

  9. Never anything major. A month ago I had a spell where I was… on the toilet a lot. Couldn’t tell you whether that was food poisoning, a stomach bug, or my cycle (which coincided).

  10. I was a little kid. I feel bad for my mom because she also had food poisoning and had to take care of 4 children, and a man-child (my awesome step dad, but still, he’s a man-child and was not helpful at all).

    So kudos to my strong momma for handling it all and taking care of everyone while she was sick, herself.

  11. Summer of 2020. Canned corn. Fresh Heinz sweet canned corn.
    I vomited so hard… All the other food digested just fine but not the fucking corn!
    Woke up at 5am with a really bad headache, stomachache and high body temperature. Got some medicine and a lot of water. Then puked it all into a bucket. It was beautiful: grey water and yellow completely untouched corn.
    Fuck you Heinz corn!

  12. 21 years ago. Newly moved in with my husband (then boyfriend) and not used to cooking meals. Made myself some sausages for tea while he was at work. Thought they were meant to be a bit pink for some reason. Was severely sick that night. Learned my lesson there and then. I rather slightly over cook than undercook.

  13. 20+ years ago my husband and I got food poisoning from Burger King. We had one bathroom and took turns laying on the floor in the hallway and using the bathroom. It was brutal.

  14. I am unsure if I officially had food poisoning, but if I did, I only got food poisoning once in my life, and it was a month ago. I got jerky from the jerky shop in a shopping center in my state. I had diarrhea, nausea, confusion, cramps, and a fever. It was awful.

  15. Right after New Year’s this year. I went to a ramen place with my bf and we got Takoyaki. It tasted weird and we both got sick afterward. I never threw up so much in one day ever in my life. The place was so rude about it too when my boyfriend called them and let them know. Made sure to leave a bad review after that.

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