I’m happy that some people in my life don’t do this, like my boyfriend/family/some friends, but a lot of people (whether it be guys I would date prior my boyfriend or people who would be my friend) really wanted me to open up, as I’m quite naturally reserved and shy. But once I would open up, they would get very uncomfortable by me doing this and basically shut me down or even leave me. Why would people do this?

  1. Most people are just trying to virtue signal and or haven’t encountered anyone with real issues before.

  2. It sounds like you have been through a really tough experience. It’s understandable to feel confused when people encourage you to open up and then react negatively when you do. It’s a very confusing situation to be in and it’s not fair to you. It’s likely that these people have their own issues that make them feel uncomfortable when you open up and that is why they react the way that they do. It’s important to remember that their behavior has nothing to do with you and that you should not take it personally. It’s also important to surround yourself with people who value and appreciate your openness and understanding rather than those who make you feel uncomfortable.

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