30F Today at work my coworker let’s call her Karen hasn’t said a word to me all day 4 hours later walked up to me because I brought the expensive Dior jackets in for another coworker because she was interested in buying one of my personal pieces. I was showing another coworker and Karen said “do you have to get a building pass to bring things in we don’t sell or are you walking around selling your stuff”. I tried to respond and she walked away.

Then she came up to me and asked where all her clothes on the register went, I said I don’t know she replied “so you’re just going to ignore me” I said no, I just said I don’t know and she said “why do you keep giving me dirty looks, they said you were giving me dirty looks”. She did it in front of another coworker and he was equally as confused because that is not how I behave.

I reassured her that I was not giving her dirty looks and in all honesty her behavior is so erratic that I try to completely avoid her because she makes me so uncomfortable.

I was a little flustered so a coworker and I went to go get something to drink when I got back no more than 10 minutes later she just asked if I’ll help her clean as I had clothes in my hand literally cleaning.

I feel as if she always has something rude to say to me but always asks me how do I look, do you like my makeup, will you do my makeup? Constantly starting in the mirror.

I work for an upscale retailer and we are commission based. I feel as if she might be jealous but I don’t know how to respond to this behavior!

When it’s just her and I she’s kind and friendly. When people are around she’s rude and disrespectful.

I went from a brunette to and today was my first day at work as a blonde and everyone was complimenting me. Which made me feel was upsetting her even more.

Do I go to a manager? I feel as if she’s antagonizing me. I’m not confrontational, I have no idea how to handle this.

1 comment
  1. If she’s just mean to you when you’re around other people, you could try and speak to her in private, and if that doesn’t work… well you could try and speak the manager to see if they can do anything. But in the case that they can’t do anything I guess you’ll just have to ask her in public if she has any problem with you, firmly and serious; if she just tells you that she has no problem then ask her if she’s sure, since… (here you say all the things you said here) and if she negates it then leave it there, you proved that you can face her, and that should get her off your back. That or I have been watching too many movies recently

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