So I have been going to this pizza place on my breaks from work for a few months now. Theres this girl who is always staring at me and seems to be friendly although I havent talked to her and I dont really have the chance given the busy environment. I dont even really see her there too often now so I was thinking about just giving one the guys my number to hand to her next time shes in. Although it seems kinda indirect everyone there knows me so I dont think its too poor of an approach. Is this an okay way of going about it ?

  1. Would always go and do it myself. Giving your number to one of your mates to hand to her sounds too much like a ‘my friend over there thinks you’re cute’ situation.
    Doing it yourself shows more confidence, commitment and maturity as well- all good things

    And at the end of the day if she’s not there that often anymore it’s not gonna be that big of a deal in the event she never texts you back

  2. You have the power to build some self confidence here, either way of an outcome. If you courage yourself up to give her your number, be genuine about it, you have won. You gotta start somewhere. Getting rejected it is part of life, maybe it’ll work out positive, you won’t know unless you try. And trying will give you experience points in this game if life. But building self confidence is key in any situation involving the attracted opposite or same sex.

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