his comment was this below, im tired of making my self overwhelmed by all the things i have to improve on i just want to work on stop craving others validation and improve myself but there is just so mmay options and self improvement is so broad

he posted this–>life becomes better when you start putting yourself first.

I used to constantly crave external validation and people pleasing, to the point where I was being nice to people who didn’t deserve it. It’s kinda a toxic mindset because you’re changing how you act based on others, and not realizing most people don’t have your best interests in mind.

Nowadays I’m just authentically myself and let the people I meet decide if they enjoy my company. I usually get along with most people though, at least on a surface level. It’s def helped my confidence, because I know I get to choose who I let into my inner circle.

1 comment
  1. You’ve already done amazingly by being your most authentic self! It’s okay to like attention and want to be liked, it feels good after all, but people don’t determine your worth. That’s the important part.

    It’s both action and mental, but much of the action follows mental work if that makes sense?

    Your next step I think is to practice remembering you are not responsible for the feelings and actions of other people! Only yourself. Always.

    People can’t guilt you when you take that power away. You absolve yourself of burden you aren’t warranted to take. It also creates healthier relationships for you.

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