I feel like very few people actually like being the host or having people over. I thought maybe it was the group I was friends with, but I have expanded and made other friendships, and it always feels the same. It’s not that I am being left out either, they just don’t have anyone over, ever, except family once in a while. It just seems to be the same people all the time that host. Sadly one of my other friends that hosts moved far away, and another passed away. So now no one I know hosts other then me. I find I host less often because it just feels a bit weird inviting someone over again and again. It’s a lot of work, but I do enjoy it, but I would really enjoy going to someone else’s home sometimes too? I have read that you should host to host, and not worry if other people reciprocate, but I wonder if it’s a non-hoster that came up with that. I get that no one is obligated to have people over, but it just feels weird being the hostess all the time. I thought about just giving up on hosting, and just host things for my kids and their friends. So my kids would benefit and I still get the hosting urge out of me.

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