I (F23) have never used a vibrator before. I was raped a few months ago and I’m worried that using a vibrator will bring back trauma.
Any advice or thoughts are appreciated

  1. I think you should start slowly… Like first without vibrator and just meditate and be with your sexual thoughts… Find some candles with scent that have that aphrodisiac smell…

    I think that way you would relax yourself enough to get the feeling when to start

    Good luck

  2. Would definitely recommend therapy, as it can be a lengthy, painful experience to try to work through deep-seeded issues yourself. You could find out using a vibrator is no problem, or you could end up with a panic attack with nobody around to help you

    If you’re going to do it regardless then maybe stay on the outside and try pure clitoral stimulation? You can’t really predict what your triggers are going to be, but since you’re worried about it enough to post on here before considering trying it out I’d definitely recommend talking to a therapist (or even having a roommate or friend who you know is home in case something goes wrong) before trying it

  3. I think you should start by feeling it vibrate on your hand. Touch it to various parts of your body to get used to the buzzing. Then slowly move it towards your genitals while dragging it along your body. When I was going to school for massage we were always taught to never take our hands off and immediately touch somebody without “signing on”. We typically keep one hand on the client at all times if we can. This was just how we kept physical contact in a way that doesn’t cause anxiety.

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