I sent a snap to a girl of my face, I don’t know her too well but I know her cousin. All I was doing was keeping my snapstreak going and she had seen my face many times before. She is also not exactly one to talk about looks, just looking a bit below average by my standards. I just need advice because I am definitely not considered ugly and multiple females had said I’m the hottest guy in the class, also yesterday I made a funny face and sent it to a different girl but said I was ugly immediately then ghosted me.

  1. It helps to be handsome but it’s not everything. Maybe she said ew because you’re a creep or maybe she didn’t mean it at all.

    As for the ghosting, best to pretend like it never happened and learn from it. Self deprecation is not hot.

  2. If you know you aren’t ugly, don’t take bullshit comments that those girls make so seriously. Do two negatives negate all positives? Do two “ew’s” negate all “hot’s”? They do not deserve your interaction with them.


    They might just be jealous…

  3. Because following societal norms people don’t normally send pictures to people you hardly know like that. You can be good looking but if you do weird things your attraction goes down.

  4. I don’t get why people are downvoting and being so rude here. If you had a snap steak going with this person, and it was just a picture of your face, which you’ve sent before, making a weird expression, then I think the girl(s?) just weren’t interested in talking to you and made a rude ass little remark on their way out so you wouldn’t chase 🤷‍♀️ some people just be like that. Prolly ain’t much deeper than that.

    No need for you to “excuse” your behavior here or for people to tell you you’re not as good looking as you probably are, that’s just shitty and you don’t deserve to be put down for literally no reason. Don’t take it to heart. On the same note tho no need to shit on the girl’s looks either, despite her being a tool.

  5. “Females” Dude. Just say women. Calling men “men” “boys” “guys” etc but calling women “females” is fucking sexist.

  6. Some people are weird and don’t know how to respond to social interactions. She may regret saying ew, or maybe she didn’t mean it in a negative way, just messing with you.

    Anyway the point is that you don’t know if it was unintentional (she being awkward socially) or she was just playing with you. the last option if what you are concerned about, she may think you are ugly. Just figure out which one of the 3 options above is the real reason behind the ew. Either way move on my man.

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