There’s this girl who I used to be really close friends with. Last time when we last met I unknowingly got too close with her which she rightfully found irritating.

I didn’t do anything inappropriate or something like that, in her words I was beside her way too much due to which she couldn’t properly converse with our other friends. I hadn’t realised I was causing this. I admitted my mistake and apologized.

It’s gonna be a month now but our friendship is just not the same after that incident. She’s too distant now to the point of giving me the cold shoulder u could say. We no longer talk everyday about our common topics like we used and I truly miss that.

I also kept my distance after incident thinking maybe passage of time would ease our tension.

Last couple of days I thought it had gone back to normal but today she again acted coldly with me. I asked her what happened again and she doesn’t wanna talk in dms and told me to lower our private convos.

All I wish is to fix my friendship with her like it was before the incident, but at this point im losing hope it’s even gonna happen.

I dont have many friends and truly im a socially anxious which has caused problems like this before. Im afraid im gonna lose her as a friend in the future because of my stupidity.

  1. Don’t be to hard on yourself. You did not lose anything because of your stupidity. Focus on growing and improving yourself everyday and you’ll be amazed at how everything can fall into place.

    Focus on things you can control. Friendship is not one of them but being nice to everyone you meet is.

  2. She’s annoyed with you for whatever reason. It’s not the specific incident, y’all just clearly aren’t that compatible. Don’t chase anyone

  3. Let me tell you something and you may or may not like it

    You will, through the course of your life, lose friends. No matter how close you used to be. This can be due to work, family, living location, the things we call life.

    Now ask yourself, why are you stressing over this one friend? This one friend who is being cold to you? Is she even a friend at this point? Friends care, sounds like she doesn’t

    Respect her wishes, move on. The best thing you can do now is make new friends and show her you are not clingy and you do not need her.

    Good luck, it might be hard but you’ll be okay.

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