I was having vaginal sex with my gf this afternoon and usually after she has an orgasm she cums a little bit of sticky clear stuff, which I know is totally normal, but today while I was having sex with her, after she had her first orgasm there was this white creamy stuff dripping out of her vagina, I knew I hadn’t cum yet so I knew it must be hers, I should have waited until after to see if it was normal or not but I wanted to impress her so I licked and swallowed it off her. Is it normal for it to be white and not clear because i’m afraid to ask her now

  1. Yes! Totally normal. If she knew she was creamy I bet she loved seeing you clean her up.

  2. Yes! Completely normal as a woman. When I cum from penetration I cum with the same stuff, it’s not squirting but just a reaction to a orgasm. It’s safe to eat, it’s similar in chemical composition to what you cum as a guy.

    ps. It’s very hot for it to be eaten off our pussy, keep it up with your girlfriend, I’m sure she’ll like it.

  3. White is a normal variation. Totally fine. Also, sometimes the clear stuff goes white when it’s been ‘churned’ haha

  4. Completely okay. Women’s cum looks different throughout their period cycle, sometimes it is clear and slimy, and sometimes it is milky white and creamy.

  5. She’s a creamer. Lap that shit up. Give her your dick to suck on so she can taste it too. She will be ready for another round.

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